A fair, inclusive, egalitarian and plural world, of celebration and protection of democracy, social justice, human rights and children. Always, with absolute priority. Above all, a world that cares for the people, the forests, the seas, the air.
A place where all children in their multiple and unique childhoods and cultures have rights, desires, and center stage. Where adults and institutions – families, schools, companies, and the State – work with children, above all, for their all-round development.
It seeks to transform the reality of interconnected urgencies and threats. Such as hunger, inequality, climate crisis, as well as unregulated digital environments. Alana Institute argues that, to ensure the future, it is necessary to keep the forest alive in the present, in addition to human-centered technologies and decent living conditions for all.
It is a system that cohabits three interdependent spheres, with convergent action. The unusual meeting of an Institute, a Foundation, and an Impact Entertainment Business Nucleus.
It is the meeting of educators, filmmakers, lawyers, scientists, journalists, administrators, activists, communicators, designers, pedagogues, content designers, entrepreneurs, and artists. A unique and pioneering combination, in Brazil and Latin America, of education, science, entertainment, and advocacy. We walk together to promote and inspire new possibilities for the world. For children and, therefore, for all of us.
About Alana
Communication, advocacy and information
The Institute is a non-profit pioneering civil society, a socio-environmental impact organization, created to protect and promote the rights of children and adolescents. As such, it operates with its own programs, strategic partners, and coalitions to promote social transformation.
Impact Entertainment
The Lab is Alana System’s business laboratory, a driver of financial autonomy and sustainability, through investment, as well as participation in the management of companies, promoting transformation and socio-environmental impact.
Funding, technology and innovation
The Foundation is a family philanthropic organization with an innovative eye on research and technology in the areas of health, inclusive education, and the environment. As such, it is focused on partnerships and co-investment with the goal of bringing resources to the Global South.

Alana, há três décadas sonhando o futuro
Ampliar impactos e construir, com excelência, novos olhares para temas urgentes só é possível pela sólida atuação nos últimos 27 anos. Os marcos da história do Alana espelham a missão de garantir acima de tudo direitos em escola global, com foco em mudanças socioambientais de longo prazo.