Social transformation

Social transformation is a change in society and its mode of organization. The term can include changes in nature, social institutions, behaviors and relationships. With globalization, these changes have occurred at a much faster pace, and global organizations have acted to make this process happen in an inclusive, peaceful, tolerant and diverse way.

There are many ways to promote change and education is a powerful tool in this regard. Socio-educational actions, for example, which have the objective of political, social and individual formation, are good ways of social transformation. They seek to promote inclusion, offering means for those in vulnerable situations to exercise a role of political protagonism and, thus, establish new forms of behavior and relationships.

Socio-educational actions are often related to social transformation projects, in which students can get their hands dirty and solve issues that bother them in the school environment. It can take on different formats, from producing content on high-impact topics to carrying out activities with vulnerable groups, for example.

Videocamp face-to-face sessions also carry the potential for social transformation, as they provide debates based on high-impact films and series. These meetings can be organized by anyone for free, anywhere and anytime. Discussions encourage the democratization of information and awareness of topics that are relevant to society today.

Another example of a project that promotes change is Criativos na Escola , an initiative that encourages children to think of creative solutions to the real problems they face in their communities. She is part of Design for Change, a global movement that started in India in 2009 and has already inspired more than 2.2 million children and adolescents in 52 countries to think about ways of social transformation.