Na foto, um homem branco com síndrome de Down mexe no computador e trabalha ao lado de duas mulheres brancas.

McKinsey paper: Down syndrome and businesses


The value employees with Down syndrome can add to organizations

The McKinsey&Company consultancy, in partnership with the Alana Institute, launched an unprecedented paper on the positive impacts of people with Down syndrome on the job market. The study, carried out in Brazilian and foreign companies, demonstrates that employees with Down syndrome can improve the organizational health of companies in five out of nine dimensions.

Aspects such as leadership, team motivation, culture and climate, customer satisfaction and coordination and control can be positively impacted when there is an employee with Down syndrome on the team. The results obtained were very encouraging and offer a new perspective on the subject, contributing to the elimination of barriers related to the employability of people with disabilities.

Click on the image below to read the full survey (in Portuguese):
