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A better world for children is a better world for everyone

Learn more about Alana

Xprize: the potential of standing forests

Learn more about the prize

Children first. That’s why we exist.

Alana is a social and environmental impact group that promotes and inspires a better world for children. A world that’s sustainable, fair, inclusive, equal and diverse. A world that celebrates and protects democracy, social justice, human rights and the rights of children as an absolute priority. A world that takes care of its peoples, its forests, its seas, its air.

We live in an extraordinary moment of interconnected urgencies, with cruel and overwhelming threats. Hunger, inequality, climate crisis, unregulated digital environments. To create a better world for children is to seek to transform this reality.

We bring together educators, filmmakers, lawyers, scientists, journalists, project managers, activists, communicators, designers, content creators, entrepreneurs, and artists, working every day to promote and inspire new possibilities for the world. A world where the forest is alive, technologies are human-centered, with dignified living conditions for all. A better world for children. A better world for all people.


Alana is an ecosystem with three interdependent spheres, working together in alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. An Institute, a Foundation, and an Impact Entertainment Business, Alana leverages a unique combination of education, science, entertainment and advocacy that bridges dream and reality, research and pop culture, justice and development, messaging and dialogue, political influence and compelling storytelling.